Q: What were Christa McAuliffe’s last words to her husband?
A: “You feed the kids – I’ll feed the fish.”
Q: What does NASA stand for?
A1: Need Another Seven Astronauts
A2: Need Another Shuttle Also
Q: Did you know why there was only one black crew member on Challenger?
A: They didn’t know it was going to blow up.
Q: Did you know that NASA has a new space drink?
A: Ocean Spray – It was their second choice because they couldn’t get 7-UP.
Q: On future shuttle missions, why will one of the astronauts have to be a naval officer?
A: So when they decide to use it as an experimental submarine, they’ll have a rated officer onboard.
Q: How many people will fit in a Florida Volkswagen?
A: Four in the seats and seven in the ashtray.
Posted in: Funniest Jokes