What’s this thing called PSP?
I pondered and I wondered…
I hit this key and that key..
Oh gosh how I blundered!
It scared me to death
the things what were in there,
the tools were all taunting…
Click on me if you dare!
I clicked on the browser
and things went a’flyin…
scared me to death
and left me a’cryin!
I hit the wrong key
and the toolbar went ‘Poof!’
I thought “Oh my goodness,
did I ever goof!
It said ‘open an image’
an image? What could that be?
This button, that button…
This thing’s a’pickin on me!!
But the more I went in there
and the more things I tried,
I no longer feared it,
I no longer cried.
I learned it and learned it
and learned it some more,
Now the rest of my life
I just plain ignore!
So don’t bother callin
I won’t answer the phone…
I’m a PSP’er….
Just leave me alone!!!
Posted in: Uncategorized