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Ten excuses for a condom in a Big Mac

In case you missed the article, someone once found a condom in a McDonald’s hamburger.

10. We were test marketing the new “McTrojan”

9. Condom, Condiment – what’s the damn difference

8. It still tastes better than the Arch Deluxe

7. It was either there or in the vanilla shake

6. Turns out the rumors about Grimace and Mayor McCheese are true

5. We’re experimenting with a new even happier Happy Meal

4. So what – a regular Big Mac is 60% latex anyway

3. Employees too embarrassed to say “Would you like condoms with that”

2. Drive-thru speaker broken- “Coke with lots of ice” sounded like “Prophylactic device”

1. When you’re serving billions and billions, you can’t be too careful.

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