Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton were watching the 6 o’clock news. The news was about a man about ready to jump off a bridge. Lindsay turns to the Paris and says, ” I bet you $50 the man is going to jump.” Paris replies, “Okay you’re on.” Sure enough, the man jumps, and Paris Hilton gives the Lindsay Lohan $50. Lindsay says, “I can’t accept this money. I watched the 5 o’clock news and saw the man jump then.” “No, you have to take it,” says Paris. “I watched the 5 o’clock news too, but I didn’t think he would do it again.”

10: She forgot the number for 911.
9. No one had taken her photo in two and half seconds.
8. Someone told her white was the new black.She thought they meant supremacists.
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Officer: Miss Hilton, this is a 65 MPH highway. Why are you going so slowly?
Paris: 65? All the signs I saw said 22. Read More…
Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan find a magic mirror. the mirror tells them that if they say something good that they think about themselves, they get their hearts desire. however, if its a lie, they get sucked into the mirror for ever. Britney steps up and says I think Im the smartest girl in the world and she gets sucked in. Lindsay says I think Im the prettiest girl in the world and she gets sucked in. Paris says I think… and gets sucked in.