Q: Well, then what do you call someone who sees the glass in front of him as half empty?
A: Teddy Kennedy.
Q: What did Teddy Kennedy say when he heard of JFK’s assassination?
A: He couldn’t have been shot in the temple! We’re not Jewish!
Q: Why did Ted Kennedy spend four hours in the voting booth?
A: He thought he was in a confessional.
Q: Why did the Clintons switch from MCI to AT&T?
A: They didn’t have enough friends left to make a calling circle.
Q: What’s the difference between President Hoover and Clinton?
A: One promised a chicken in every pot and the other was an unpromising chicken who smoked pot.
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To get away from Bill Clinton.
Q: What’s the difference between Clinton and Christopher Reeve?
A: Clinton is dead from the neck up.
Q: Where are the two biggest airbags located?
A: The White House.
Q: Who was the first liberal Democrat?
A: Christopher Columbus. He left not knowing where he was going, got there not knowing where he was, left not knowing where he’d been, and did it all on borrowed money.
Q: Did you hear that someone threw a bottle of beer at Clinton?
A: Yes, but it’s ok. It was a Draft and he was able to dodge it.
Q: What’s Bill Clinton’s least expensive hobby?
A: To sit in the Oval Office and collect dust.
Q: Did you hear that Tyson Foods has genetically engineered a new breed of chicken and named it in honor of Bill Clinton?
A: It’s a brainless, spineless, tar-and-feathers yellow chicken.
Q: Why is Bill Clinton the living proof of reincarnation?
A: Because no one could get this stupid in one lifetime.
Q: Do you know why Clinton gave the Federal employees the day off on Wednesday?
A: It was Secretaries’ Day and he was too cheap to buy his a present!
Q: What’s a word for Clintons ’92 campaign
A: A snow job.
Q: What will you get if Clinton’s health bill passes?
A: No Job.
Posted in: Political Jokes