A red head, a brunette, and a blonde walk into a bar. The bartender asks the redhead what she would like. She says, “I’ll have a A.L.”
The bartender looks lost, and so the redhead says, “Daaaaa, an Amstel Lite!”
Next, the bartender asks the brunette what she would like. The brunette says, “I’ll have a B.L.”
With this, the bartender gets a grin on his face and says, “A Bud Lite,right?”
The brunette says, “Daaaaa, a Becks lite!”
Feeling really dumb, he asks the blonde what she would like to drink. The blonde says, “I’ll have a 15.”
The bartender says to himself, “A 15, a 15, a 15?”
The Blonde says, “daaaaa, a 7 and 7.”
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